We Love Hemp Yoga Wear

e1011 Labs Explores the Benefits of Hemp Yoga Wear

Do you know when the first clothing made from hemp was worn? Don't worry; no one has been able to pinpoint it just yet. What experts have found is the oldest piece of hemp clothing. Located in Turkey, the ancient garment is the best-preserved item of neolithic civilization ever discovered, with experts dating it as much as 9000 years old.

Why Hemp?

hemp yoga wear

Hemp’s massive strides in the modern clothing industry (as well as the CBD market) are historically precedented. In fact, it was actually the first plant cultivated by humans. Ancient civilizations realized the hemp plant's potential before it was fashionable. Whether it was used as a spiritual ceremonial plant in China and India or for trendy hemp yoga pants in today's market, hemp's versatility is apparent for everyone to see.

Regardless of your personal opinion on Hemp Yoga Wear are, it is undeniable that the clothing and fashion industry is unsustainable as it currently is. Thanks to the rise of the conscious collective and the open platforms offered by the internet and social media, more people than ever realize that things need to change. Solutions need to be found. One of these solutions is Hemp Fabric.

While hemp has a plethora of uses, from industrial to supplements, hemp as a fabric is both a wise investment as well as an honorable trend to follow.

Why We Need Sustainable Options

The fashion industry is built on a foundation of mass consumption. Throw out the old, and buy new. This paradigm needs to change if we want to live in a sustainable and healthy global society. With social media shedding as much light on issues as it does, consumers and the public can no longer claim ignorance. The industry is rife with overproduction, unsustainable farming methods, and child labor. These conditions should no longer be normalized or acceptable – there needs to be a change in the fashion and textile industry.

The public collective responds to trends, and the natural way of living is becoming trendier by the day. So, instead of purchasing six pairs of yoga pants that you will throw away sooner rather than later, why not invest in a more sustainable and honorable option; and buy a pair of Hemp Yoga Pants instead?

Ethical living rant over! Let's take a closer look at hemp and what makes it the best textile for modern living.

Is Hemp Legal?

The introduction of the 2018 Hemp Farm Bill altered the hemp industry dramatically. Hemp can be grown legally and at a large scale production level in the US.

Whether it is used for rope, clothing, canvas, or building material, hemp is versatile and robust. As a fabric, it may not share the softness of cotton, but it is more durable than other cellulosic, and it does have better absorption than cotton does.

Hemp Fabric

fabric made from hemp

How Does Hemp Become a Fabric?

Because hemp is naturally coarse, it needs to be retted. This retting is a process of breaking down the fibers (either chemically or microbially), and the pectins that attach the bast fibers to the plant's stem are decomposed.

Hemp can be retted naturally, although it may take more time. The cut hemp plant stems can be left lying in a damp area, even the field where the plants were grown. The cut stems can be left there for several weeks. Alternatively, the stems can be left in running water.

After this, the bast fibers are separated from the hurd. This process is one of the more challenging aspects of preparing hemp and can be difficult even with mechanical assistance.

After the hurd and bast fibers are separated, the material requires further refinement. This final stage involves combing or hackling. So, the process may not be as simple or affordable as other mass-produced textiles, but the reward is worth it. Hemp farming can be sustainable, and the end product is far more durable and versatile than any other material on offer.

While hemp is gaining fame throughout a diverse range of industries, the marketplace for fitness and yoga wear is particularly bolstered by hemp fabric.

Hemp fabric could be a solution for eco-friendly clothing. Whether its yoga wear or simply comfortable lululemon yoga pants, the hemp plant is shaping up to be the future of not just yoga clothes, but eco-friendly clothing in general. With a focus on holistic health, the yoga industry is the perfect place for hemp fabric to flourish.

Hemp Yoga Mats

yoga mats made from hemp

The use of hemp as a material to create yoga mats cuts down the need for unsustainable materials, such as PVC and rubber. Similarly, hemp yoga mats are made with dramatically lowered levels of both caustic and toxic chemicals. Definitely consider hemp yoga mats if you're looking for an upgrade to your current workout gear.

Hemp Yoga Pants   

yoga pants made from hemp

What are a couple of e1011 Labs favorite hemp yoga pants?

Hemp fabric is all the rage, but there is more to hemp fabric than just fashion. These are a couple of hemp yoga clothing brands that can keep you in trend while keeping your conscious eco friendly at the same time.

Conscious Clothing

This small family run business keeps the core of ethics close at hand at all times. Conscious Clothing was born out of a passion for sustainable living, and this ethos has carried through as the business has grown in success. Conscious Clothing is an Etsy success story, having started out as a small fire of passion and has grown today into a thriving small business.

What we love about Conscious Clothing:

  • Uses only ethically sourced and sustainable materials
  • Even the studio is created with sustainability in mind; many of the materials have been reclaimed, salvaged, and reused over the years to create an inviting and welcoming design space that encourages the appreciation of the changing seasons that nature has to display.
  • Their design philosophy is centered around rock-solid ethics as well. Their design philosophy incorporates a few key phrases: "careful consumption, thoughtful design, and long-lasting." The company puts these words into action through the meticulous care taken to ensure eco-sustainability in every aspect of an article creation.
  • Conscious clothing has cast off the cloak of fast fashion and is devoted to creating timeless capsule pieces that can grow with the wearer and be cherished for season after season.

    Soul Flower

    This company is an eco-friendly brand that combines mindfulness, fashion, and sustainability.

    Soul Flower is a brand that ticks all the right boxes:

    • Fair Trade Certified
    • Organic Cotton where applicable
    • Low Impact Dyes
    • Ethically Made
    • Upcycled Materials where possible
    • Handmade
    • Each item is individually crafted, and each one is a one of a kind piece
    • Uses hemp fiber
    • Recycled paper and recycled plastic is used when applicable

    The Soul Flower family places their core values above profit and lets their passion for free expression and positivity to inspire their designs. If you are looking for natural fiber clothing to feel like your soul can flower, the Soul Flower brand has a range of unique designs. 

    One of our Soul Flower favorites is their Hemp yoga pants. The combination of hemp fiber and viscose offers an improved softer feel. One of the essential features of yoga pants is the range of mobility and comfort. These Soul flower yoga pants have improved softness, offering superior comfort and the perfect amount of stretch.

    Soul Flower Offers complete product transparency. They have a useful eco guide available on their website for those who want to know the details behind their sustainable and eco-friendly brand image.  

    Yoga and Hemp: A Perfect Match 

    Hemp and yoga go together like fair-trade peanut butter and organic jam. We’re not just talking about pants either. Before or after your next practice, consider trying one of e1011 lab’s soothing stelo™. These proprietary blends of premium sun-grown hemp are the perfect boost to your wellness routine. Discover savasana wherever you are with e1011 labs!


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