

$59.99 Oferta Ahorre
Hecho a mano con materiales de alta calidad y resistentes al calor, garantiza la durabilidad y la seguridad, asegurando su tranquilidad mientras explora el arte de la vaporización. Su diseño compacto encaja perfectamente en su bolsillo, lo que lo convierte en el compañero ideal para las aventuras sobre la marcha.

Con tecnología de calentamiento por convección de última generación, iven garantiza una vaporización uniforme y eficiente, desbloqueando el espectro completo de sabores y aromas de sus hierbas secas favoritas. Di adiós a la combustión dañina y hola a un vapor más puro y saludable que atormenta tus sentidos con cada calada.

How to Guide

Prepare the material you will be using. We recommend using finely ground flower to obtain the most sublime experience.
Remove the base cap of the device.

Hold iven™ with the silicone mouthpiece pointed to the ground to prevent spillage. Insert material into the heating chamber. The material should be packed to the top of the silver heating chamber, any more will be considered overfilling and cap may not close properly.
Hold down the power button on the side of the device for 5 secs to turn on the iven™. It will vibrate once and display the previous heat setting from its last use. You will have 5 secs to change the heat setting before the iven™ begins heating. If no change is made, iven™ will vibrate once and begin with the previous setting.

To switch between voltage settings press the power button 1 time. It has four voltage settings:
Yellow light: 360°F / 182.2°C
Green light: 390°F / 198.8°C
Blue light: 410°F / 210°C
Red light: 440°F / 226.6°C

Lower temp equals more flavor less vapor. Higher temp more vapor.
The light will begin to pulse as iven™ begins to heat up. It will vibrate twice, and the light will remain solid, to indicate the device is ready for use. The length of each session will depend on the setting:
Yellow light: 3 minute session
Green light: 3 minute session
Blue light: 3 minute session
Red light: 2 minute session
After the session ends, the iven™ will vibrate twice and turn off automatically.
Remove the cap and dispose the used material. Repeat steps 1-6 to enjoy again.

For any questions or concerns regarding the instruction manual, please contact customer support.

(213) 900-0420


Accessories for Iven

Water Pipe Adapter


Iven Replacement Kit





Compact and sleek, the iven™ device fits perfectly in your pocket, making it ideal for on-the-go use. Enjoy your flower anytime, anywhere, without the hassle of bulky equipment.

Power of Vaporization

Your Flower,
Your Way

Experience the pure essence of flower with iven™. Customize your sessions with your favorite flower, and four different heat settings, to enjoy a personalized vaporization experience.

Easy cleaning

Straight Airflow

The iven™ features a straight airflow tunnel for a smooth and efficient draw, ensuring you get the most out of each session. Cleaning is a breeze with our straightforward design, allowing you to maintain your device with minimal effort.

Effortless Vaping

One-Click Control

Experience simplicity at its finest, as you effortlessly control your sessions with a single click of a button.

Yellow light: 360°F / 182.2°C
Green light: 390°F / 198.8°C
Blue light: 410°F / 210°C
Red light: 440°F / 226.6°C

Power Meets Flower

The Next Industry Standard

Providing fast and efficient cannabinoid delivery with four temperature settings in a sleek and simple design. The iven™ makes flower less of a chore and more of a pleasure.

The flower content is heated to optimal temperatures to fully release cannabinoids while eliminating the typical carcinogens generated from flammable-combustion.

Having gone through years of intensive research and development, our iven™ device’s technological specifications paired with its sleek design make us the indisputable leaders of the heat-not-burn industry for cannabinoid consumption.

"Package arrived quickly and smoothly. Device works amazing from the battery life to the actual quality of the product. Definitely my new favorite everyday device."


Kyara H.

"This dry herb vape is excellent! Feels so much healthier than smoking a J or a bong. Also easy to clean and has a good battery life."


Roberto N.

"There are numerous aspects of this product that I appreciate: it charges quickly and has a long-lasting battery, I adore its multiple burn options, and the automated functions are fantastic."


Mademoiselle P.

"Have been using my Iven exclusively since it arrived. Very user friendly and discreet. I don’t need anything with too much power, so this is great for my use. All in all 10/10. Recommend for beginners looking to get into vaporizers."


Margie R.


Fácil limpieza con flujo de aire directo

Luces de tira LED

Tu Diseño, Tu Estilo


Control de sesión con un clic

El vaporizador de hierbas secas Iven es un dispositivo avanzado diseñado para vaporizar hierbas secas sin combustión. Utiliza tecnología de calentamiento por convección, que pasa aire caliente a través de las hierbas, liberando sus compuestos activos como un vapor limpio y sabroso. Este proceso elimina las toxinas dañinas que se encuentran en los métodos tradicionales de fumar, brindando una alternativa más saludable.

Usar el vaporizador Iven Dry Herb es simple y fácil de usar. Primero, asegúrese de que el dispositivo esté completamente cargado o tenga suficiente batería. A continuación, retire la boquilla para acceder a la cámara de calentamiento. Muela sus hierbas secas hasta obtener una consistencia media y cargue una pequeña cantidad en la cámara. Vuelva a colocar la boquilla, encienda el dispositivo y configure la temperatura deseada con los controles intuitivos. Una vez alcanzada la temperatura seleccionada, inhala suavemente a través de la boquilla, disfrutando del vapor suave y sabroso.

¡Absolutamente! El vaporizador Iven Dry Herb está diseñado pensando tanto en principiantes como en usuarios experimentados. Su funcionamiento sencillo y control de temperatura facilitan a los principiantes la exploración del mundo de la vaporización de hierbas secas. Además, la construcción duradera y las características de seguridad del dispositivo garantizan una experiencia sin preocupaciones. Si es nuevo en el vapeo, el vaporizador Iven Dry Herb es una excelente opción para comenzar su viaje con confianza.

The iven® holds approximately 0.3 grams when the oven is packed to the top of the stainless steel-lined chamber. The density of your flower may require you to pack less or even more. Please avoid overpacking the chamber past the metal line to ensure optimal airflow and a proper fitting cap!

We don't personally recommend using concentrate in the iven®, but if you must, the sandwich method should be applied. Start with a layer of dry flower at the bottom, followed by a small layer of concentrate, and then cap it off with another layer of dry flower. This method ensures that the concentrate is evenly vaporized between the layers of dry herb, and doesn't make its way past the screen into the battery.

For general cleaning of the iven®, remove the base cap and use the dual-ended tool to get your device looking right. The blunt end of the tool will easily remove the used material from the heating chamber, while the brush allows you to remove any stubborn pieces refusing to let go.

For a deep clean, remove the base cape and silicone mouthpiece and place them into an isopropyl alcohol soak. Once the pieces are dry and clean, they’re ready to go another round.

Yes! The iven® is able to be shipped internationally.

Yes! Even if you do not see smoke or vapor, the iven® is still working. The lack of smoke and vapor is due to the nature of dry herb vaporizers. Read here to learn more about how dry vaporizers work.

The iven® device is versatile and allows customers to use not only cannabis flower, but also a variety of other smokable herbs, providing a tailored and personal vaporization experience. To learn more, explore the Daily Dose, which offers a wealth of information on different herbs and their unique properties when used with the iven® device. However, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional before experimenting with any herbs, to ensure safety and appropriateness for individual health conditions and wellness goals.

Yes! The iven® features four adjustable temperature settings. You can learn more about the temperature settings here.

When you first get the iven® device, we recommend running a burn off cycle to help remove any residual odors, chemicals or materials left behind after the manufacturing process. We also recommend running a burn off cycle after a session if you have any stubborn pieces of material left in the heating chamber.

How To Video